Agjencia e Zhvillimit Ekonomik te Qendrueshem
SEDA (Sustainable Economic Development Agency)
SEDA Mission Statement
It is the right time to do things NOW, to show and demonstrate to Europe that Albania and Albanians are not only artisans of European Cultural Heritage Values but also a solid member of EU family.
I believe that Albanian citizens and stakeholders, all of us together, Government of Albania (GoA) officials, political parties , academia’s,… NGOs and business community are aware of the importance of working together to design and implement innovative pro-poor growth and pro- women policies based on a sustainable and integrated development strategy mainstreamed by SDGs and EU Green Agenda.
I hope the Government and Opposition will take advantage of EU development programs, such as IPA Structural Funds, and other multilateral or bilateral rograms to boost and better coordinate the integration of Albania into EU .
.. We do remind to all political parties to get rid of political conflict shows and to avoid not productive political crisis. We had had too much of them so far! Please do sit down in the round table to decide ASAP and properly for development priorities to the benefit of the Albanian people and to the benefit of the region.
..SEDA and its experts will be present as always, by the side of positive development pathways, to consult for sustainable growth of Albania through production of ideas and solutions to implement priority projects to the benefit of all Albanians targeting to the poorest ones. We will try to do something good for the people NOW..and HERE .. to preserve the land of Albanians as a nice neighborhood.
Updated January 2023
SEDA Vision towards the future of Albania
Improve and build public & private partnership at national and local level through: (i)capacity building activities at local and national level to face the challenge of decentralization as well as the ones of Integration of Albania into Europe; (ii)incitement of privatization reforms in utility sector (energy, water, infrastructure, road, telecommunications, environment) to foster entrepreneurship and to significantly improve the infrastructure and utilities targeting to roads, energy and water;(iii) reform and build a sound health and education system to sustain the future.
Updated January 2023